The journey

My subjects were a married, middle-aged couple, with two adult children. They danced to my tune, for my pleasure. Their lives changed and they were changed. This particular journey ended in the middle of August 2011.

I may chronicle another journey or regale you with my considerable wisdom but, for now at least, it is journey's end.

Tuesday 21 June 2011


I just finished speaking to Kim on the telephone. She told me that although she was nervous, yesterday, about taking a stranger into her own home, she found it extremely arousing to be fucking me in her marital bed. She told me that she contemplated leaving the bedclothes unchanged but chickened out, in case John, literally, smelled something. Obviously, the fact that she contemplated this slight cruelty to John was encouraging.

I told her I was disappointed that she still regarded me as a stranger, as I was very fond for her and not just sexually. She reciprocated the expression of fondness, as I expected. I added quickly that I understood her reservations and was glad she had decided to trust me, despite them. Incidentally, I thought I had picked up a gas or electric bill yesterday. It turned out to the the telephone bill. What joy! Don't you just love the way that BT lists all of those favourite "friends and family" numbers together in a group? So considerate.

Kim had called me to say that she was free this afternoon and wanted to repeat yesterdays excitement. I lied that I couldn't make it today. I was very tempted to say yes, to consolidate yesterday's gains, but as I am a firm believer in the laws of supply and demand, I declined. Instead I suggested that we meet tomorrow, on condition that she pretends to be a cheap slut welcoming me into her home. If one could hear a grin over the telephone then that's what I heard.


  1. Anonymous17:07

    I do appreciate your wicked talent!

  2. Anonymous04:37

    i very much am aroused by the transformation, or rather release that You have brought about in her, Sir.
    As a submissive male it is a power i have always wished for , but have accepted that i do not have.... to seduce a Woman in such a manner. i have wondered what it feels like to have another man's partner respond so.
    Yet... i have come to feel arousal from the other side....

