The journey

My subjects were a married, middle-aged couple, with two adult children. They danced to my tune, for my pleasure. Their lives changed and they were changed. This particular journey ended in the middle of August 2011.

I may chronicle another journey or regale you with my considerable wisdom but, for now at least, it is journey's end.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Manipulating the weak

Most people like to think that they are strong-willed. They will often describe themselves as "someone who knows their own  mind" or "not one to be pushed around." It's an ironic description. People rarely know their own minds. Most are followers not leaders. They are weak-willed and full of exploitable frailties. They are there for the taking by those of us who know our own minds and get to know their's.

There are a number of ways of getting people to do what one wants. Violence and blackmail can be effective and both have their place in a puppet-master's tool-kit. But it is much more effective and sustainable to get inside the mind of the subjects.  One starts by tapping into explicit needs and desires. Then one moves on to the dark corners of the mind. Those needs and desires that the subject knows but dare not admit. The final step is to create new needs and desires, through careful and patient conditioning. What could be more rewarding than changing a person's perception of what is "normal."

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